Did you know that stainless steel partitions not only provide you with virtual indestructibility, but also with beauty? Stainless steel partitions consist of type 304 stainless steel with a number 4 satin finish or a textured finish. The steel is bonded to a honeycomb core. Interlocking strips welded at each corner hold the face sheets rigid and firmly in place.
Did you know that of all the partition types, those constructed of stainless steel cost the most. Those with a Stainless Steel Finish are elegant and sleek. Gleaming stainless steel resists corrosion and is easily maintained. You can buff out scratches. You can choose your finish. Also, these stainless stell partitions come with a 5-year manufacturer’s warranty.
The Stainless Steel Toilet Partitions come with a stain or a textured finish. If you choose a textured finish choose a diamond pattern or a leather look.
LockersNMore can answer all your questions about stainless steel toilet partitions and their features and options. We can provide you with a quote and help get your project started. We provide outstanding customer support throughout the entire process from quote to and including installation.
For questions or quotes, please contact us at https://lockersnmore.com/contact-us.php. How can we help you to get started?